Come and learn in community!
Sunday Education Hour
11:00am Sunday morning
Preschool & Multiage Kids
We have Sunday School at 11:00 am after early worship and at 12:45 pm before the later service sermon. There is a Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. Kid’s Club as well. We follow the shine curriculum, which has an Anabaptist focus. Ultimately we teach our children that God loves them and we should love our neighbors. Our Child Safty policy is two unrelated adults in the room at all times and mandated reporting. Pastor Barb Ewy is our Chidlren’s minister.
Koinonia (Adult)
This Sunday School studies and talks about different religious books. Our discussions are organic and open as we share our thoughts with one another. We’ve covered such books as How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns and Discovering Identity in God’s Diverse World by Dr. Theodore Hiebert.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83300090921?pwd=YzZmZjF5aDVSMTEwaG1ZaGtaNFlwZz09
The Soul Journey Class (Adult)
This Sunday school is a place for people to share their own stories. This may mean sharing your life story, music or poetry that inspires you, or exploring a particular topic. Newcomer friendly. Low stress.
We’ve got a youth group of about 10 people. This group is diverse, with quiet thoughtful people and energetic people all packed into a comfortable circle of couches. Youth group consists of a mixture of Biblical study, fun together, and service projects. Pastor Caley Ortman, our youth pastor, along with some dedicated sponsors help to teach our youth.
Anathoth Bible Study (Adult)
This is our Bible-based study where we get to dive deep into difficult questions, what is a sacred text? Who is God? What was life like for people in Biblical times? We’ve covered the Christmas Story, Gospel of Luke, and Minor Prophets. This study is led by Pastor Jon Mark.
Study Group: Anti-Racism (Adult)
We are Studying the subject of reparations and how state and federal bills under consideration might impact people’s lives. We are using the book From Here to Equality by David & Mullen as a resource. This is a zoom-only study.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81121330542?pwd=bTZveEJydUVmMFgwSVQyYnYrWjNyUT09
Scripture and Scholars
A book study group that takes on different religious books.