Church Acticities


Musica Viva

We would like to invite you to experience some of the most glorious and notable music of Hollywood and explore with us the interconnectedness of and relationships between some of the most fascinating and colorful characters of the 20th Century music scene in California.

You most likely have heard their music but you might not (yet) be familiar with their names: Ernst Wolfgang Korngold, Ernst Krenek, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Felix Waxman, Alexandre Tansman, Bernhard Herrmann, and Kurt Weill.

All of these musicians, and many more, escaped the terror of fascism in Europe and were able to find a safe haven in the United States of America. They settled in the Los Angeles area and worked as composers, conductors, and pianists in the Hollywood movie studios.

Our theme for this set of concerts is “Escape to Hollywood: from Europe Across the Sea”.

This year, 2025, is also the birth and death anniversary of the Nobel Prize winning author Thomas Mann, who lived from 1875 to 1955.  Mann resettled from Nazi Germany to the Pacific Palisades outside of Hollywood and was well acquainted with and good friends of many of the composers being presented in these concerts. Interspersed between the musical selections will be readings, excerpts from diaries, and letters written by some of these composers and Thomas Mann.

We had organized the theme of this program before the devastating wildfires occurred in the Los Angeles area in January. A very large amount of historical documents, artifacts, and important records were destroyed or irreparably damaged in the fires and more than 200 musicians were adversely affected, losing their homes, instruments, music, and everything else.  A portion of the proceeds of these concerts will be donated to charity to help support the recovery of these musicians.

We hope you will be able to join us for the following four concerts throughout California.

All of our Musica Viva concerts are FREE OF CHARGE and all are welcome. Please feel free to bring your family, a colleague, a friend, or a few friends.

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Vacation Bible School
to Jun 27

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is Monday June 23rd to Friday June 27th. We meet from 5:15pm to 8:00 p.m. every day. This year’s theme is Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.

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Allen Memorial

The memorial and celebration of life for Allen Linscheid will be in the First Mennonite sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 8th. After the memorial will be a light meal in our fellowship hall.

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Dinner at Church

Join us for a pulled pork meal. You are invited to bring your table service to make cleanup easier. All people are invited to come and bring guests. Come for the delicious food, stay for the fellowship with one another.

We will be eating in our Fellowship Hall, which is building along L street, between 12th and 11th. Our sidewalk side doors are tinted, but come on in.

This will be a fundraiser for our dineout fund which will pay for our thanksgiving meal.

At 6:45pm, the Mixters will have a presentation of their ministry in the National Park.

Spanish language Bible study, bilingual Kid’s club, and bilingual youth group, and Ash Wednesday Service to follow

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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9:30 a.m. Service

9:30 a.m. Service

Join us for our early service in the FMC Sacntuary located at the corner of 12th and L. There are stairs on the 12th street side and a wheelchair ramp on L street side. Hearing assistance and printed sermons available.

Come for a service of progressive Mennonite theology, hymn music, and cookies & coffee fellowship.

Come to the Table of God Pastor Jonathan will take us through Luke 22:14-30.

This Sunday, David Boldt will accompany our singing with the organ, we will celebrate communion, share our thoughts and prayers with one another, and enjoy cookies and fellowship after the service.

All are welcome!

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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9:30 a.m. Service

9:30 a.m. Service

Join us for our early service in the FMC Sacntuary located at the corner of 12th and L. There are stairs on the 12th street side and a wheelchair ramp on L street side. Hearing assistance and printed sermons available.

Come for a service of progressive Mennonite theology, hymn music, and cookies & coffee fellowship.

Trust and Yeildness, let us learn from 500 years of Anabaptistism. Pastor Barb Ewy is teaching from Matthew 18:1–5

This Sunday, Paul and Ruth will accompany our singing with piano and violin, we will share our thoughts and prayers with one another, and enjoy cookies and fellowship after the service.

All are welcome!

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Congregational Life Meeting

Tody the members of the congregation gather to reflect on this last year and plan for the next. This meeting will involve pastors and committees sharing reports on what they did this year and sharing from congregants about how this church has impacted their lives. Members of the congregation will vote on a new budget, committee nominations, a change to our by-laws, and to call Pastor Juan Montes for another three years.

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Noon Spanish Service

Join us in the First Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall for a service of worship and celebration. We meet at noon on Sundays. Come to sing contemporary songs, joyfully worship, and hear the word of God.

Pastor Juan Montes will present about Ecclesiastes 12:5-10.

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9:30 a.m. Service

9:30 a.m. Service

Join us for our early service in the FMC Sacntuary located at the corner of 12th and L. There are stairs on the 12th street side and a wheelchair ramp on L street side. Hearing assistance and printed sermons available.

Come for a service of progressive Mennonite theology, hymn music, and cookies & coffee fellowship.

Jesus is learning from the teachers. Pastor Caley will take us through Luke 2:41–52.

This Sunday, Paul and Ruth will accompany our singing with piano and violin, we will share our thoughts and prayers with one another, and enjoy cookies and fellowship after the service.

All are welcome!

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Christmas Day Service

Our annual Christmas Day service is a celebration of the Christ child. Come join us for Christmas Carols, beautiful performances from our members, and to hear the gospel story.

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Bethlehem Village

Bethlehem Village

Come to the Fellowship Hall on December 15th from 5-7pm for a celebration of Bethlehem village as it was in Jesus’s day. This is an event for all ages! And don't miss the reading of the Christmas story and carols from 6:45-7 pm. This event invites you to visit different stations to learn about the people and times of the Bible.

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Thanksgiving United Service

Our United Thanksgiving Service (formally known as Loyalty Day) is an annual worship service that brings together our English 9:30 and bilingual Spanish 12:00 services. This service includes contemporary and hymnal music, sermons from all four of our pastors, and a communion meal. After the service, there will be a Thanksgiving meal catered by Sierra View Homes.

This year’s theme is “The Ministry of Reconciliation” based on 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Fall Church Cleanup

We call on volunteers to make the church more beautiful in preparation for our United Thanksgiving Service. We will be cleaning up the church on Saturday, November 16th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with refreshments at 11:00. We encourage you to bring cleaning supplies. If you have any ideas for tasks we can do together, please contact a pastor, trustee, or education committee member.

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Noon Spanish Service

Join us in the First Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall for a service of worship and celebration. We meet at noon on Sundays. Come to sing contemporary songs, joyfully worship, and hear the word of God.

Being Good is It A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit. Pastor Juan Montes will present about John 15:3-12.

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9:30 a.m. Service

9:30 a.m. Service

Join us for our early service in the FMC Sacntuary located at the corner of 12th and L. There are stairs on the 12th street side and a wheelchair ramp on L street side. Hearing assistance and printed sermons available.

Come for a service of progressive Mennonite theology, hymn music, and cookies & coffee fellowship.

What is our relationship to power? Pastor Caley will take us through the parable of the widow's coin, juxtaposed by good religious people who only act righteous to social and political favor in Mark 12:38-44.

This Sunday, Paul and Ruth will accompany our singing with piano and violin, we will share our thoughts and prayers with one another, and enjoy cookies and fellowship after the service.

All are welcome!

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to Nov 16

Embodied Yoga

We meet in the Fellowship Hall of First Mennonite Church.

Cost is $20/session.

Bring your own mat.

Everyone is welcome.

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Dinner at Church

Join us for a potluck meal. Bring your favorite fall-themed food: soup, cornbread, roasted squash, pumpkin bread, butterscotch cookies, etc. If applicable, please consider bringing food that can be enjoyed by all people, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegetarian. All food is graciously accepted because we know it can be difficult to bring something after work. Please bring plenty of food to share.

You are invited to bring your table service to make cleanup easier. All people are invited to come and bring guests. Come for the delicious food, stay for the fellowship with one another.

We will be eating in our Fellowship Hall, which is building along L street, between 12th and 11th. Our sidewalk side doors are tinted, but come on in.

This will be a fundraiser for our dineout fund which will pay for our thanksgiving meal.

Spanish language Bible study, bilingual Kid’s club, and bilingual youth group to follow

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Needles and Notions

Needles and Notions

A sewing group.

Needles-n-Notions welcomes you to meeting in person, Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Fabric/material donations graciously accepted.

Come and join our sewing group every Tuesday as they chat with one another and occasionally put a prayer comforter together. You are invited to join in whatever project is going on or bring your own project. Knitting, crochet, quilts, comfortors, or sewing, all kinds of needlework finds a home with this group. We make prayer comforters together for people who are sick, lost a loved one, graduation, and more. These are physical reminders that our church family care for one another.

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Noon Spanish Service

Join us in the First Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall for a service of worship and celebration. We meet at noon on Sundays. Come to sing contemporary songs, joyfully worship, and hear the word of God.

Pastor Juan brings a message of Being Good Has Its Origin In Human Nature Or Is It A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit from John 15:3-12.

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9:30 a.m. Service

9:30 a.m. Service

Join us for our early service in the FMC Sacntuary located at the corner of 12th and L. There are stairs on the 12th street side and a wheelchair ramp on L street side. Hearing assistance and printed sermons available.

Come for a service of progressive Mennonite theology, hymn music, and cookies & coffee fellowship.

As we prepare for what may come from this election; Pastor Barb is guiding us through a passage about King David forgiving the disabled son of Jonathan in 2 Sammuel 8:15-9:13.

This Sunday, David will accompany our singing with the organ, we will share our thoughts and prayers with one another, and enjoy cookies and fellowship after the service.

All are welcome!

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Remembering the Martyrs

This is a special service in our sanctuary to remember the martyrs and heros of the faith for All Hallows Eve.

These heroes may be in our Anabaptist Maryter's Mirror, which remembers maryters from Christ to 1660. We will also expand our vision to look at more recent people who have lived holy lives serving the gospel. This service will also include an opportunity to light a candle for your own personal heroes, including family members.

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